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TECHNICAL SUMMARY POWER OUTPUT: 10 volt-amperes (20 volt-ampere peaks}, continuous, from dc to 500 kc into a 1,000 ohm resistive or reactive load;

The DC 508A 1.3 GHz Counter measures frequency from 10 Hz to 1.3 GHz. Frequencies from 10 Hz to 100 MHz are measured using the direct input and from

The SP75 Speech Processor is designed to provide an increase in average power and readability of a single sideband voice signal during weak signal o

Features This computer was designed with the user in mind. Here are just a few of its many features: Performance Intel® Pentium® M YonahPro

HF all-band SSB/CW/RTTY transceiver employing PLL system This equipment is a SSB/CW/RTTY transceiver covering 1.8 to 29.7 MHz frequency bands (WWV;