ADi Communications - Sender-145 - Transceiver
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Sub Group:
This is highly versatile, yet compact hand-held transceiver that is built and
tested to stringent specifications. The following features are built into your
☆ Smallest and lightest transceiver in this class.
Dimensions: 83.5mm (height) x 55mm(width) x 31 mm(depth) (excluding protrusions and battery case).
Weight 185g(exduding battery case and antenna).
☆ Paging function is available when an optional DTMF unit DTF145 is installed. This features allows you to page one specific station or all group stations via 3-figured DTMF signals. When paging signal is received, a beep sound and the display will inform you that someone has you paged.! The paging station can be identified by means of its individual code.
☆ Code Squelch operation is available when an optional DTMF unit DTF145 is installed. The
Transceiver will hear certain stations using the identical code only. ’
☆ Tone Squelch operation is available when an optional tone squelch unit CTS145 is installed. The
Transceiver will hear certain stations using the specific tone frequency only. Tone frequencies can be selected via the rotary channel selector.
☆ DTF145 and CTS145 can be used together allowing you the simultaneous operation of Code Squelch and Tone Squelch.
☆ An optional High Power Rechargeable Battery Pack or an external power supply of 13.8V enable powerful transmission (over 5W).
☆ A wide range of acceptable external power supply voltages (5.5 to 16V DC) allows you to power it from an automobile battery ([specified for 12V only).
☆ High Sensitivity.
☆ Up to 20 memory channels are available, 10 in each M and M memory group.
☆ Independent tone frequencies and offset frequencies can be programmed for each of 20 memories.
☆ Internal Dual-Watch allows the
Transceiver to watch.
☆ the selected dial-frequency and the stored frequency in memory address
☆ the selected dial-frequency and any other memory frequency
☆ the selected dial-frequency and each memory frequency under scanning in sequence, (up to 20 channels)
☆ the selected dial-frequency and call frequency
☆ Either Pause or Busy scan functions can be selected. Scanning of the dial-frequency provides a 1 MHz scan, all band scan and programmed scan. Scanning of a memory frequency provides M memory group scan. M memory group scan, all memory scan and MS.M scan.
☆ A single puchbutton press opens the squelch so you can easily check the volume setting.
☆ A Battery-Save function allows you to reduce the current drain during receiver standby.
☆ An Auto-Power Off function reduces the current drain if you forget to turn the
Transceiver off.
☆ Frequencies can be entered directly from the keyboard or via a rotary channel selector.
☆ A Function button allows you to change the frequency with a 1 MHz or 100kHz step when you turn the rotary channel selector.
☆ Selected frequencies and operating mode may be locked to prevent inadvertent key operation.
☆ PTT button may be locked to prevent inadvertent transmission.
☆ A full line-up of optional accessories.
User manual
Manual type:
User manual
1.1 MB
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May 10, 2020