Cushman Electronics Inc. - 301 - Oscilloscope
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The Model 301 Oscilloscope is designed for use with the
Cushman Models CE-3 and CE-7 FM Communications Monitors. The
Oscilloscope enables the user to visually examine the exact
modulation delivered by the transmitter. Any abnormal
conditions such as unbalanced modulation, pulses from the
power supply, unusual clipping, and other problems are
immediately apparent so that appropriate repairs can be
made. The Model 301 has an automatic sync circuit to lock on
and precisely display waveforms. Vertical display is
calibrated to show deviation on any one of three ranges: ±1
5, ±5. and ±15 kHz.
Front panel switches permit an external vertical signal
input while using the internal sweep. External signals may
also be connected to the horizontal input. Thus, the
oscilloscope can be used independently of the monitoring
function for routine testing, trouble shooting, displaying
Lissajous patterns, etc.
The Model 301 Oscilloscope Plug-In has the standard
oscilloscope front-panel controls, most of which are
self-explanatory. (See Figure 2-1 ) A focus control,
intensity control, and astigmatism control are provided to
ensure a clean trace on the face of the CRT. Vertical and
horizontal position controls are provided to position the
display and set the display with respect to the zero
reference line on the scope graticule when the CE-3 function
switch is in the CAL. position.
The lever switch directly below the CRT is a range switch
for vertical display of deviation and is directly calibrated
in ±1.5, ±5. and ±15 kHz of deviation The scope circuit is
dc-coupled and the displayed deviation will shift up or down
if the transmitter under test is off frequency.
Separate external inputs to the vertical or horizontal
amplifiers which drive the CRT are provided. Separate toggle
switches permit selection of either internal or external
signals in conjunction with the external input connectors
The Model 301 sweep speeds can be adjusted with a
sweep-speed switch and vernier control: it is normally
unnecessary to adjust the sweep speed to lock the audio
waveform being displayed. The Model 301 incorporates an
automatic sync control which provides instant lock on any
signal exceeding one division in peak-to-peak amplitude An
external-vertical-gain control permits artenuation of
signals applied to the external vertical input
The Model 301 Oscilloscope is removed by turning •-re arge
slotted knob on the rear panel of the monitor
cc_~terclockwise When the locking shaft has been
dis-ervgaged from the plug-in. pushing the knob inward
* cause the plug-in connector to separate The Model 301 can
then be easily removed.
1 Manual
Service and user manual
Manual type:
Service and user manual
4.7 MB
Scanned document, reading partly badly, partly not readable.
Upload date:
Aug. 7, 2017