Yaesu - FT-707 - Transceiver

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Sub Group:
The FT-707 is an all solid state transceiver for the HF
amateur bands. Featuring coverage of 80 through 10 meters,
the IT-707 is designed for operation on SSB, CW and AM.
Nominal power output is 100 watts on SSB and CW, and 50
watts on AM.
The extremely compact size of the FT-707 makes this model
particularly well suited for mobile or vacation use.
However, the advanced design techniques used in the FT-707
make it competitive with “top of the line” equipment of
other manufacturers.
The receiver section includes a new and sophisticated front
end, using a Scholtky barrier diode ring module and
carefully designed gain distribution, for excellent
performance in the presence of strong signals. A
very-low-noise premix local oscillator circuit is used,
which further contributes to optimum receiver performance.
Also included in the receiver is Yaesu ⅛ famous variable IF
bandwidth, using two 8 pole IF' filters, allowing
continuously variable adjustment of the IF bandwidth, from
300 Hz to 2.4 kHz. Six pole filters of 600 Hz and 350 Hz
bandwidth ( 6 dB) are available for contest and I)X
operators, with selection of the SSB filter or CW filter
available on the CW mode.
The transmitter side features two rugged bipolar transistors
with multiple protection in the final amplifier stage, with
individual low pass filter networks for each band providing
excellent spectral purity.
Digital plus analog display of the operating frequency is
provided. The front panel meter consists of a string of
bright discrete LEDs, for easy monitoring of the received
signal strength, relative power output, and the transmit ALC
Among the convenience features of your FT-707 arc a
high-performance noise blanker, VOX (with front panel
controls), and receiver offset tuning.
Available options for the FT-707 include the FP-707 AC Power
Supply, which provides the 13.5 volts DC required by the
FT-707. The FP-707 provides outstanding regulation, for many
years of trouble- free operation. Also available is the
exciting FV-707DM external VFO, which provides twelve memory
channels using a sophisticated synthesizer which allows
scanning in 10 Hz steps and offset from memory channels. And
for matching your antenna system to the 50 ohm impedance
requirement of the FT-707, choose the FC-707 Antenna Coupler.
1 Manual
Service and user manual
Manual type:
Service and user manual
4.2 MB
Scanned document, all readable.
Upload date:
July 27, 2014