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Yaesu - FT-2200 - Transceiver
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The Yaesu FT-2200 is a compact, full-featured radio providing selectable power output of 5, 25 or 50-Watts, and includes many convenient operating functions. Forty nine tunable memories offer flexible programming and scanning functions, such as odd- split Tx/Rx frequencies, programmable repeater offset and scan limits, selectable scan resume modes and memory skip, priority channel monitoring and instant-recall CALL channel. Channel steps are user-selectable from 5 to 50 kHz, and ARS (Automatic Repeater Shift) can be activated to automatically set standard repeater shifts when tuning to repeater subbands. Backlighting for the large LCD (display), knobs and major buttons is controlled using a photo-sensor to automatically adjust to ambient light conditions. A 38-tone programmable CTCSS encoder is built-in, and the FTS-27 CTCSS decoder unit can be installed to provide squelched private channels and a CTCSS Bell feature to sound an alert tone when the tone squelch opens. DTMF (Dual-Tone, Multi-Frequency)-based selective calling and private paging lets you select any of 999 3-digit ID codes for your transceiver and then have your receiver stay quiet until your code is received (from any standard DTMF- equipped transceiver). When a call is received, the FT-2200 displays the caller’s code, and a paging beeper can be set to sound. With the Auto- Page/Forward features, your FT-2200 can respond automatically by acknowledging or relaying a page call received when you are not present. Seven DTMF code memories store your ID plus those of six other frequently-called stations or groups you wish to monitor. In addition, 10 DTMF Autodial memories store up to 15 digits each for quick playback of commonly used numbers. The optional DVS-3 permits digital voice recording and playback in the FT-2200. For remote operation, the optional MW-2 Wireless remote- control unit duplicates most front-panel controls (including volume and squelch), adding a DTMF keypad and microphone. A tiny panel plugs into the microphone jack of the radio to receive commands from the unit. The microphone jack also includes signal for CAT System control from an external personal computer.

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1 Manual

User manual
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User manual
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July 27, 2014